Winter update

I never wrote a post of this type before, it seems selfish and egocentric and yet I love learning from others, beyond typical industry information. It shows me how we evolve, what direction we are heading in, what we need and are looking for.

I am in a wintering mode now: slow, fragile, sensitive, cold a lot, enjoying sound baths and epsom salt baths.

I am fascinated by and learning about what it means to embody the feminine energy, which is very alien to me, even after years of studying the theory. Surrender, pleasure, softness, flow: are not what I have been conditioned to. And yet I crave it and very slowly move towards it.

When I work with my clients, we start with an intuitive vision of the scene, how want to feel, what we want to see. We start with FEELING and DREAMING, not planning details. We create a structure, but allow for a lot of flexibility, so that the miracles and magic have a space to show up. We are guided by the appreciation of ourselves and doing something that feels fun, sexy and a little out of comfort zone.

I am learning to see what I actually enJOY doing, just for fun, NOT for the results, NOT for feeling accomplished and able tick an action off my list. Being barefoot on the beach or in the woods works, hearing geese fly over me (I haven’t quite figured out how to orchestrate this when I fancy a moment of pleasure, but I enjoy it very much when it happens), my first morning coffee- black and bitter, a silly dance around my kitchen table. The list is open and inviting more ideas.

I am learning how to support my nervous system, which seems to need way more rest and silence that my current lifestyle can offer. And I have been very committed to creating an un-busy life.

I am learning who my ideal client is, yet again. Watching what I value, what I don’t want in my business and life anymore (days long gaps in communication fall into this), who I can serve at the highest level. I know that once I know this, I can be magnetic to more clients looking for a photographer like me.

I am watching what I eat and drink. I used to have 4 or 5 cups of coffee a day and I can see how my body doesn’t lik this any more. I love veggie soups for breakfast in the colder months, no matter how weird that sounds, and I need to stay away from black and green tea or my stomach hurts.

I am planning my own branding shoot, as I love having photos on hand that I can easily attach to my blog and social media posts. There is no way I will post anything, if I need to make myself look presentable (hair, make up, clothes), tidy up the background, find good light and take the selfie. It will end up with procrastination and irritation. I need my photos ready to use.


On simplicity, personal


Branding photography: an expense or investment?